5 Summer Movies You're Gonna Love

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In Texas, the summers can be so brutal that the only escapes are the swimming pool and the deep dark recesses of the neighborhood Cineplex. Most of the time your best bet is to forget the films - slather on some SPF 540 - grab a cold Shiner Bock and find some shade by the water. I mean, do you really want to see American Pie 18? Didn't think so.


That's how I feel most summers. This year? Not so much. There are some summer movies that may just keep me out of the pool (but probably not out of the Shiner Bock). Here are my picks for 5 summer movies you're gonna love:  


Moonrise Kingdom (May 25)

Moonrise Kingdom is Wes Anderson's (Rushmore, Royal Tenenbaums) first live-action film since The Darjeeling Limited. It's got all those funky Wes Anderson vibes - set in the '60s, kids in love and parents without a clue. Jared Gilman and Kara Hayward play star-crossed kids Sam Shakusky and Suzy Bishop. When they run away from their New England town, the local sheriff, Bruce Willis, organizes a search party. Suzy's parents, Bill Murray and Frances McDormand, and other quirky townsfolk go on the hunt for the missing kids. Expect great performances from social worker (Tilda Swinton) and Sam's Boy Scout leader, Scoutmaster Ward (Edward Norton). Bonus: the soundtrack sounds cool, too.





If that wasn't bad enough, the world's about to end thanks to an asteroid headed for earth. 

Safety Not Guaranteed (June 8)

This funny independent film is based on a quirky newspaper classified ad where a man wanted someone to accompany him in time travel. Three magazine employees, led by reporter Darius Britt (Parks and Rec's Aubrey Plaza), decide to profile the guy who created the classified. Mark Duplass (Your Sister's Sister, recommended below) plays the goofy time-traveling wannabe. They loved it at Sundance. My guess is you will, too.


Your Sister's Sister (June 15)

Meet Iris (Emily Blunt), a nutty professional whose best friend, Jack (Safety Not Guranteed's Mark Duplass), is still grieving the loss of his brother. Iris used to date the brother, so she decides to cheer him up by inviting him to her family's cabin in the woods so he can "find himself". Ah romantic comedies/dramadies...unknown to both of them is that Iris' older sister, Hannah (Rosemarie DeWitt), a lesbian just ending a seven-year relationship, is hiding out at the cabin. A rowdy night of tequila shots between Jack and Hannah kicks off a bizarre...maybe, romance? You decide. Because it gets even quirkier when Iris pops in for an unexpected visit.


To Rome With Love (June 22)

Woody Allen's follow-up to his highest-grossing film in theaters, Midnight in Paris (Charlotte loved it), is a romantic comedy featuring four vignettes set in Rome. Allen stars in his first role since 2006's Scoop, along with an all-star ensemble, including Alec Baldwin, Jesse Eisenberg, Ellen Page, Penelope Cruz, Greta Gerwig, Judy Davis, and Life Is Beautiful's Roberto Benigni. This one's got Midnight in Paris II written all over it. Should be fun. 


Seeking a Friend for the End of the World (June 22)

This sci-fi comedy stars Steve Carell as Dodge Petersen - a down-on-his-luck guy whose wife leaves him. If being suddenly single wasn't bad enough, the world's about to end thanks to an asteroid headed for earth. With just a little time left, Dodge teams up with his British neighbor, Penny (Keira Knightley), to go on a search for his childhood sweetheart and maybe right some past wrongs. A great ensemble cast goes along for the ride - Patton Oswalt, Melanie Lynskey, Derek Luke, Rob Corddry, and William Petersen. Don't let the world end before you see this one.


Summer Blockbusters

Every summer has its share of blockbusters. Here are 4 that look better than average:

The Avengers

The Amazing Spider-Man

The Dark Knight Rises

Dark Shadows


Could be Good

These didn't quite make my list, but they may make yours:


Magic Mike

Matthew McConaughey is an aging male stripper giving career advice to Channing Tatum. Think Boogie Nights - the boys' night out version.



Mexican drug cartels are outta control in this one from Oliver Stone. Think AMC's Breaking Bad as envisioned by the director who gave you JFK.



Mark Wahlberg spends the entire movie talking to a foul-mouthed teddy bear voiced by Seth McFarlane (Family Guy). All I can say is that the Redband trailer is VERY dirty and (dare I say) bust-a-gut hilarious.


The Campaign

Will Ferrell, Zach Galifianakis team up in what looks like Anchorman meets The Ides of March. Zach's great, but where the hell is John C. Reilly?

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Guest Room: Is Your Relationship at a Crossroads?

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Take 5 Steps to Reconnect By Daniela Roher, Ph.D. and Susan E. Schwartz, Ph.D.... ...Read More

Catching Up With...June McCash

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This Boomer is a former college professor at Middle Tennessee State University (Go Blue Raiders!) award-winning author and traveler extraordinaire.

June McCash-350.jpgJune McCash is a southern gal living in Tennessee who paints life with a big brush and an even bigger imagination.


Her most recent book is a sweeping tale of the Old South set in plantation-era Georgia. It's a powerful story of hope and renewal set against the bitter backdrop of slavery. Whew!


With all her writing, traveling and packing, we were lucky to catch up with her on a sunny afternoon in lovely Murfreesboro. She was happy to take a break and we were even happier to ask some questions...


June McCash


What are you doing these days?      
I had a full career as a college professor, but have now left academe to become a full-time writer. I live in Murfreesboro, TN, near my son Bren. He's a college professor of history and museum studies. My older son Michael lives in Seattle and is a marine biologist. 


I also have seven stepchildren and a collection of grandchildren. My biological offspring are all male--sons and grandsons. Because I recently lost my husband, I am about to downsize to a smaller house. I love to travel and have been to many countries throughout the world including virtually all of Europe, Turkey, Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Burundi, Argentina, Colombia, Mexico, Greece, Russia, Canada, of course, and still counting. I also love living in the South and spend as much of my time as I can on the coast of Georgia, specifically on Jekyll Island.

Where is your favorite vacation?

Jekyll Island, Georgia, without question. I've been going to Jekyll since 1983. The island is a state park, but there are some private residences there. It is by law 65% undeveloped, so there is much natural seashore and woodland, many bike paths, great beaches.


I've written three books about the island, two of them dealing with the famous Jekyll Island Club, which was founded in 1886 by a group of New York and Chicago millionaires, including people like J. P. Morgan, William Rockefeller, Joseph Pulitzer and Marshall Field. There is a sense of history there that is unique. I also love any time I can spend in France.

How do you spend your Saturdays?

Writing, enjoying nature, being with my family and going to soccer games. My 15-year-old grandson, Gabe Martin, plays on his middle school soccer team as well as for our town's select soccer team. He's amazing and wants to go to college one day on a soccer scholarship.

Favorite TV show?

Jeopardy. I'm not much of a TV watcher, though I watch lots of films. 


I also watch the news every night. It's become a kind of ritual. I watch CNN (Wolfe Blitzer) and ABC (Dianne Sawyer and George Stephanopolos). I enjoy the latter's interviews and Sunday morning show particularly because I get to hear both sides of an issue without everyone talking at once and interrupting. When that happens, I change channels. I am really interested in diverse points of view and want to hear both sides and make up my own mind.

Where have you traveled recently?

I went to New York City in April, where I attended a memorial event at Macy's executive suites to honor Ida and Isidor Straus. Members of the Straus family also attended. 


My husband and I had scheduled a trip to Cuba before he passed away. I'd still like to go someday, as well as to China and Australia.

Peanut butter: Crunchy or smooth?
Crunchy...in a peanut butter and banana sandwich!

Favorite soft drink      
Diet Coke ... I prefer it straight out of the can; no straw needed.


Favorite adult beverage      
A great dry white wine. I had a fabulous Chardonnay at a wedding celebration in Tampa recently.

Last movie you saw in a real movie theater      
Hugo! I used to teach a course in French film and Hugo was replete with allusions to earlier French films by people like Renoir and Truffaut. I hope all my former students saw it.

Favorite meal      
Lobster, baked potato, salad, and Key Lime pie

Yum!  Where do you go for this?
There used to be a great restaurant in Tampa on Bayshore drive as I recall that specialized in that particular meal. Unfortunately, I haven't been there in years. For the most, part I prepare it at home.

You Could Win a Little Flattery

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I'm wild about high heels. Wedges, stilettos or platforms, no matter the type, they up the style factor of EVERYTHING from shorts to stapless dresses.


They're a natural choice for helping a 5' 2" Boomer like me stand tall and proud at graduations (way to go Jacob!), during showers, even when shopping ... at least until my feet start to give out.


That's when it'd be nice to have a backup plan. The folks at CitySlips want to give two lucky Boomer Babes the chance to do just that. They've joined us to give away two pairs of their popular, foldable ballet flats. Perfect for summer, these hot, canvas numbers flatter your feet while helping them feel just fine.



You could win a foot-pampering pair of foldable CitySlips flats ... FREE.


Click "Read More" for details on how to enter. Contest* ends June 14!


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Know Someone Battling Cancer? Baylor Health Care System's Sammons Says... cancer blog is a great place to go for help. Here, you'll find information, resources, physicians, support groups and just about everything you need to help you navigate your way through this illness. 


Matt Drudge gets the goods and his site ain't bad either. 

The Huffington Post is the gold standard of political blogs.

You don't have to live in Dallas to enjoy D Magazine.

If The Onion doesn't make you laugh, you're already dead.

It's a Daily Beast and Tina Brown knows how to tame it.

If you're a Mom, or even thinking about it, check out Heather Armstrong's blog.

Dog is man's best friend, but Dr. Marty Becker and Gina Spadafori are dog's best friends. Their pet blog is the best on the net. 

The Women On the Web have some terrific contributors.

If you love old films, Turner Classic Movies should be your home page.

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